Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Violence in The Kite Runner Essay Example
Savagery in The Kite Runner Paper In The Kite Runner, savagery assumes an enormous job to create both the characters and the story. Scenes, for example, assault, murder and incredibly vicious whippings are happily delineated and you can obviously perceive how those scenes come to influence the character improvement. The epic portrays the life of Amir and his contribution with the rough scenes in the book. The tale additionally depicts how much noteworthiness a solitary occasion in somebody’s life can have on their future self, particularly assault. The first run through assault is depicted in the book is where Hassan, Amir’s cherished companion, are assaulted by a referred to menace known as Assef. Amir and Hassan had recently taken an interest in a kite battling competition and they fortunately won. Hassan flees to discover the kite for Amir and discovers him being held somewhere around Assef and his companions. Here, Amir can either meddle in the assault, or run and stow away, and he picks the last one. This decision will come to influence and shape a mind-blowing remainder. The memory of seeing Hassan being assaulted, and him not helping his companion will develop coerce within him. The blame will keep developing until he can't deal with it any longer and feels like he needs to make up for himself. This specific assault isn't the primary occurrence where assault happens, and Amir is later helped to remember his decision while getting away to Palestine with his dad Baba when a lady is almost assaulted. His dad forestal ls this and Amir is reminded about his foul choice and furthermore about how unique Amir is from his dad. About a similar time, Amir is told about the assault of Kamal, a kid Amir used to know. These two occasions improves the blame he previously felt and it becomes much more. Further down the road, Amir will glance back at the areas of assault in his life and will contrast it with a coin possibly demonstrating the upside when tossed; â€Å"What was the well-known adage about the awful penny? My past was that way, continually turning up†(Hosseini 2003, p.281). Later in the story, Amir and his dad arr We will compose a custom article test on Violence in The Kite Runner explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Violence in The Kite Runner explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Violence in The Kite Runner explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Arthur Andersen after Enron Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arthur Andersen after Enron Scandal - Essay Example In spite of the demise of its author, the firm figured out how to keep growing. The base of the customers rose to 50,000 from 2,300 in the years 1947-1973 with workplaces in Chicago expanding to in excess of 1,500 representatives from 250. The late hundreds of years of the twentieth saw, the extension of the firm globally making a division for discussion with the board that is quickly developing. Arthur Company was viewed as one of the huge five organizations on the planet until the company’s inclusion in a criminal case that saw its ruin. The fundamental explanation behind picking this organization is on the grounds that, notwithstanding the organization being associated with different embarrassments, it figured out how to rise again following 12 years.  The organization confronted different moral issues that prompted its destruction in 2001. One of them was directing the illicit review for Enron Company, the goliath organization in vitality that planned for concealing billions of dollars that were lost at the vitality firm (Titcomb Par. 4). As indicated by the Enron council, the evaluation of the review that was done uncovered that Andersen Company neglected to satisfy the obligations of its calling with respect to the review the organization directed on the fiscal report for Enron. Andersen was along these lines indicted for wrecking records that were delivered in the wake of reviewing, which forestalled equity as indicated by Enron’s claims. The conviction was anyway reexamined later after two supervisors from Andersen and Enron Company were seen as liable for requesting the destroying of the pertinent archives. This outrage was before Andersen connected with a math of Brickyard with its laborer Gagel that to the organiz ation was a history however it demonstrated the capacity of Andersen to complete its work with flawlessness. The block occurrence was whereby a youthful evaluator was sent on an assignment that was his every day schedule to find out stock of blocks million in number that was heating in the sun in Marion.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Integrated Project Plan
Integrated Project Plan Marketing Model Nov 16, 2018 in Coursework Four Components for Project Work An integrated project plan contains the data that support what the project want to achieve, how it intend to achieve its goals, who is to be involved in ensuring it achieve, its plans and also how much is to be used during the operations of the project. Marketing mix model is one of the most effective of a kind that have stood up to the test of time. This model has four components that help each project owners and implementers to effectively develop their project work. This integrated project plan maximizes the probability of achieving the project objectives using these four components. Marketing refers to the process by which value of goods can be transferred to consumers through making them consume the product. One of the key factors to consider during marketing while using the 4ps marketing model is the product. Every organization must keenly make products constantly demanded by consumers; in the case of this project the key product that the project wants to offer to its customers is massive entertainment. The project plans to organize a fun and enjoyable event with a sole aim of rising up additional funds. When the invited and expected customers get entertained on that specified fun day, they will derive an emotional and leisure satisfaction. The satisfaction from the attendance serves the same purpose with the pleasure that customers get when they consume a specified product in the market.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Totalitarian Society As Showed Essay - 702 Words
Totaliterainism found in Animal Farm George Orwell ¹s story, Animal Farm, is a satire of Soviet Russia. In a more general sense, however, the story traces the rise and fall of any totalitarian regime. All of the animals on Animal Farm somehow contribute to either the creation, destruction, or temporary success of the totalitarian government. The original goal of the Animal Farm society is a socialist society, but it turns bad. As the animals begin the Animal Farm society, everyone is equal. As time passes, it is realized that of all the animals, the pigs are the smartest. This is slowly the beginning of Animal Farm moving froma socialistic socoety to a totalitarian society. Snowball and Napolean are two pigs who are constantly arguing†¦show more content†¦Boxer was perhaps the worst victim of this deception. Boxer, a big strong horse, was very excited by the revolution. His motto was  ³I will work harder. ² He would get up early in the morning to do extra work because he wanted the farm to prosper. Sometimes when things did not always seem right, he would think about it for a while and then blame things that went wrong on the animals having done something wrong. Once, after several animals were slaughtered for committing  ³crimes ²l he said after thinking for a long time,  ³I do not understand it. I would notthave believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves. The solution, as I see it, is to work harder. From now onward, I shall get up a full hour earlier in the mornings ² (94). Boxer represents the people who do not fight for rights but just accept things as they are. He worked harder than anyone his whole time on the farm. Of the pigs and aside from Napolean, probably the most influential contributer to the success of the totalitarian society was Squealer. Squealer was used by Napolean as a propagandist. Squealer had the most contact with the other animals and whenever another animal would be a little confused about things going on on the farm, Squealer would reassure them and use the sheep as help. The sheep would belt out the phrase,  ³Four legs good, two legs bad! ² or  ³Four legs good, two legs better! ² as it became known, and thisShow MoreRelatedEssay about Stalins Russia717 Words  | 3 PagesTo what extent was a totalitarian state established in the USSR in the 1930s? From the start of Stalins self-imposed reign of control he always had the makings as a leader to create a totalitarian government, for example his ideology. Stalin wanted his people to believe that he cared for them. Its interesting to say his because it refers to the sense that Stalin himself believed he owned the Russian people which completely contradicts a lot of what he did and the reasons for whichRead MorePrivacy And Privacy In 19841630 Words  | 7 Pagesby George Orwell, privacy was a very rare thing and not a lot of people were able to have it. The book was based in a city named Oceania, which was controlled by a totalitarian government with its leader being Big Brother. In this dystopia, the citizens have no control over their lives. Privacy was never fully granted by the totalitarian government. To make sure the citizens were being loyal to their government, they were constantly being watched whether they liked it or not. They didn’t have a choiceRead MoreAnalys is Of George Orwell s The Last Novel Essay1651 Words  | 7 Pagesinability to be his own person led Winston to rebel against the totalitarian government. Being controlled by a government can affect your way of thinking, it can make you react to situations differently than how you intended to do so, it is a type of manipulation. This can be seen in the renowned novel and the last novel written by George Orwell, 1984 through the main protagonist Winston Smith. He is under the control of a totalitarian government and he then starts to rebel against the governmentRead MoreTotalitarianism in Pre-War Europe Essay979 Words  | 4 Pagesyears 1918-1939. This period saw many ideologies being developed and put into practice, and many even blame the rise of totalitarian states and aggressive, autocratic leaders for the Second World War. Totalitarianism is often associated with regimes in which there is one leader and party unquestionably in power with no significant rivals. In a totalitarian state, the ideology of the party is often firmly indoctrinated. The term was first used in 1925 to describe a socio-politicalRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Brave New World And 19841537 Words  | 7 Pagesaddress the major oppressive issues by composing futuristic dystopian novels. Their societies, whether it be London or Oceania, were created in order to emphasize humanistic values. In the novels Brave New World and 1984, the authors display the resemblances and disparities of modern ideals. Both of Huxley and Orwell’s viewpoint of relationships, technology, and brainwashing reveal the underlying theme that a totalitarian state is dangerous; displaying them in various ways. For instance, the two shareRead MoreCharacteristics of a Totalitarian Government Portrayed in the Film, Citizen Kane1714 Words  | 7 Pages1930’s and the early 1940’s. The main character, Charles Foster Kane is portrayed as a character that is similar to the totalitarian dictators that came about during this time period, such as Adolf Hitler. Totalitarian dictatorships have the goals of creating unity among the masses and obtaining control over individuals and society. There are three key characteristics of totalitarian governments that are portrayed in the film Citizen Kane. This form of government uses propaganda to sway the opinionRead MoreWorld War II : A Totalitarian Government Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagessystem behind many countries. The totalitarian form of government began with the reign of Joseph Stalin, the dictator of The Soviet Union, and Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany. A totalitarian government is known as a society that is run by a dictator, but not all dictatorships are from a totalitarian government (4.). Those living in a totalitarian society have little to no freedom and are controlled by the government. Another word to refer to the totalitarian government system is the word fascismRead MoreAkshat Katoch. Mrs. Hollstein. Ap Lang. 16 March 2017.1643 Words  | 7 Pagessocialist, wrote the â€Å"Communist Manifesto†which presented th e idea of Communism. In this political ideal, property is publicly owned and workers are paid to extent of their abilities and needs. Nowhere does the theory state dictatorship or any type of totalitarian government. This revolutionary speculation remains as Russia’s greatest achievements in history and unforgotten. However when Vladimir Lenin took control of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1917, he spread terror among the land causingRead MoreCommentary Analysis of George Orwell ´s Novel: 1984897 Words  | 4 PagesOrwell, the author depicts the perfect totalitarian society, a society that has absolute control over everything pertaining to its people. The title of the novel, 1984, was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the immediate future. If totalitarianism was not fought against, there was an actual risk that a similar civilization could come about. By demonstrating what a tyrannical society would be like, Orwell showed the control and power a governmentRead MoreEuropean Totalitarianism During World War I1564 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernments that had some form of variance in their authority, but each nation proceeded to establish totalitarian governments. Russia was the first in which a totalitarianism state was established. Totalitarianism allowed the government to control every aspect of citizens’ lives. European totalitarianism experienced both strengths and weaknesses that affected citizens and rulers alike. As totalitarians came to power, they began recognizing and dealing with the issues with the â€Å"free market†ethics of
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Evaluating the impact of E-Marketing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2067 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? Evaluating the impact of E-Marketing Introduction The development of e-marketing has been one of the most important and influential trends in the field of business, marketing and Information Technology offer the past decade. It has revolutionised the manner in which certain businesses market their products and the advent of social media offers the potential to revolutionise the manner in which businesses and consumers interact in the future. This essay will evaluate the impact of e-marketing upon businesses and will do so in three clear sections. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Evaluating the impact of E-Marketing" essay for you Create order The first section of the essay will define the concept of e-marketing and the second section will examine how e-marketing helps businesses to reach their customers. The third and final section will highlight some of the most important advantages and disadvantages of e-marketing. The conclusion will argue that the impact of e-marketing upon businesses has been largely positive and that despite a number of potential problems e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth and development. Defining the concept of e-marketing In the first section of this essay it is important to clearly define the concept of e-marketing. This is a vital task, because in order to be able to fully understand how e-marketing affects businesses and their customers it is important that the notion of e-Marketing is first of all adequately defined. Patricelli argues that e-marketing is a general term used to denote a wide array of different Internet-related activities. These include â€Å"website building and promotion, consumer communications, e-mail marketing and newsgroup advertising†(Patricelli 2002: p.141). However, the term e-marketing has developed enormously over the past decade and today it encompasses a far wider range of activities and one of the most important of these is the use of social media in order to advertise online. Pride settles on an altogether more comprehensive definition of e-marketing, stating that he understands the concept as referring to the â€Å"strategic process of creating, distributi ng, promoting and pricing products for targeted customers in the virtual environment of the Internet†(Pride 2010: p.70). E-marketing is best understood as a broad concept and one that has gained additional platforms in recent years with the advent of smart phones and tablets such as the iPad. As a result, the notion of e-marketing is defined most clearly when it is understood as referring to the creation, distribution, promotion, pricing and communication of products across the entirety of the Internet and the wide variety of platforms that constitute the Internet in a modern context. How does e-marketing help businesses reach their customers? E-marketing helps businesses reach their customers in a wide variety of different ways. Boone claims that the Internet offers businesses the chance to reach their customers in a number of unique ways and that one of the most important of these is the global reach of the consumer base that the Internet is able to provide. According to Boone, â€Å"the net eliminates geographic protections and limitations of local businesses and it gives smaller firms a wider audience†(Boone 2011: p.105). It is for this reason that the Internet is often seen as being inextricably linked to the wider force of economic globalisation, which some economists see as being responsible for the increasing retrenchment of the nation state and the rising power of non-state actors such as multinational corporations (MNCs). The ability to reach customers connected to the Internet anywhere in the world is seen as an enormous benefit to businesses in their quest to reach, attract and retain customers. Anoth er way in which e-marketing helps businesses to reach their consumer bases is the extent to which it is able to further personalised marketing. It allows businesses to create products that â€Å"meet customer specifications†and in recent years the advance of this type of marketing in particular has been seen as perhaps the most significant long-term development in the course of e-marketing (Boone 2011: p.105). Through the use of social media, for example, business analysts believe that corporations may well be to harness enough information in order to tailor products, services and critically search engine results in such a way that consumers will be automatically attracted to them, because the products and services shown will be of interest either to them personally or to their close friends on social networking websites. However, even in the absence of such sophisticated targeting techniques certain websites such as Amazon have made great strides in personalising content to individual users, as Chaffey explains. â€Å"Amazon is the most widely known example where the customer is greeted by name on the website and receives recommendations on site and in their emails based on previous purchases†(Chaffey 2009: p.32). Boone argues that e-marketing offers other important ways for businesses to reach their customers including the use of interactive marketing and integrated marketing. Interactive marketing is a form of marketing in which the advertising process is driven by buyer-seller communication and where the â€Å"customer controls the amount and type of information received from the marketer†(Boone 2011: p.106). Integrated marketing refers to a type of marketing strategy in which all promotional and communication efforts are combined in order to create a unified and consumer-centric promotion campaign. It is clear; therefore, that e-marketing offers a wide variety of different ways for businesses to reach consumers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-marketing for businesses? E-marketing has a number of important advantages that make the adoption of e-marketing approaches and strategies attractive for businesses. One powerful argument in favour of e-marketing revolves around the cost and speed of this approach to marketing and Jones argues that these two factors in particular set e-marketing apart from other marketing approaches. â€Å"There is much evidence that makes a case for marketing electronically because of the cost-benefit ratio and the speed-to-market advantage†(Jones 2008: p.304). However, it is important to understand that e-marketing is only a cheap option when one considers it in the context of the size of advertising budgets that large firms used to have in relation to television and radio advertising. Whilst small e-marketing campaigns may be cheap, any larger scale campaign is likely to still incur a significant cost, but some of the other most important advantages of e-marketing ensure that this approach to advertising has beco me increasingly popular in recent years. These advantages mainly revolve around the ability of this form of marketing to collect information and deploy it in unique ways. The increased ability to garner data and critically the ability to analyse this data in relation to consumers is something that offers businesses many valuable insights into not only their marketing campaigns, but also their business strategies as a whole. In fact, in certain cases e-marketing has developed to such an extent that certain businesses are able to make vast profits by offering comparisons between different websites, websites that are commonly referred to as comparison websites. These companies have no discernible products of their own and instead they offer a service in which they â€Å"are uniquely equipped with product listings, consumer reviews, store ratings, and personal shopping lists that offer creative shopping options to consumers on the Internet†(Lebson 2011: p.10). Examples of suc h comparison websites include Money Supermarket, Compare the Market and Go Compare and once these businesses have built their infrastructure their business model revolves almost exclusively around collecting consumer data and maximising SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Comparison websites are therefore in one sense one of the most pure examples of e-marketing, because their business models rely almost exclusively upon effective e-marketing to target customers. E-marketing offers further important advantages including the ability to reduce costs via the use of automation and software programs and also allows marketers and consumers to interact in a far faster fashion than would be the case when using traditional means of communication. However, the analysis above has already touched upon one significant advantage of e-marketing that has great potential to evolve substantially in the future. The use social networking and social media in particular offers enormous potential to markete rs and opens the door to revolutionary changes in the way customers and businesses interact with one another. The impact that social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter have had upon the way in which people use the Internet has been evident in the past few years and Rana argues that the user-driven, community orientated way in which social media communicates leads to a different type of Internet, full of organic content and user-friendly websites (Rana 2009: p.255). Businesses are thus far only scratching the surface of how to exploit such new opportunities, but Facebook for example offers an advertising service that allow businesses to target individuals based on a range of different criteria. Such adverts therefore are targeted at particular consumers in a much more focused way than even adverts traditionally used on Google, known as Google Ads (Facebook, 2011). However, despite the numerous advantages of e-marketing businesses must be aware of the fact that e-marketing also presents businesses with a number of potential pitfalls. Certain businesses such as the comparison websites listed above rely completely upon the Internet to the extent that without technology they would actually have no business. Clearly, the Internet will not go away, however the dependency upon technology is something that can cause Internet-centric businesses major problems and also make them vulnerable to a wide range of different cyber attacks (Liebsch 2009: p.87). Another disadvantage of e-marketing has become particularly apparent in recent years and is inextricably connected with the rise of social media. Whilst social media has the potential to offer many e-marketing benefits, businesses must also beware of the danger that poor reviews and poor customer service can have upon their operations. The opinions of one disgruntled customer can go viral at lightning speed and therefore irrevocably undermine a particular business, product or service in an instant. This type o f increased transparency also manifests itself in other ways and leads to a situation in which consumers are empowered to search for the lowest prices from a wide range of different online businesses. The fact that the Internet offers an almost unlimited consumer base is one of its clear advantages, but its global reach also affects the competition that businesses experience and as a result online businesses are likely to face stiff competition and many other companies highly competent in their e-marketing expertise. As a result, companies must focus upon distinctive e-marketing strategies and campaigns that differentiate themselves from their competitors in order to be able to cope with the extent of the competition that can be found online in todays marketplace. Conclusion In conclusion, this essay has clearly shown that e-marketing impacts upon businesses in a number of important ways. When used effectively, e-marketing campaigns and strategies have the potential to reach customers in a speedy and low-cost manner and can provide promotion for a wide range of products and services. E-marketing also offers businesses the opportunity to garner data about their consumer base to an extent that has hitherto been very difficult to achieve via traditional marketing methods. The development of e-marketing and social media advertising has led to examples of businesses in recent years that appear to little more than categorise and filter information relating to products and services on the Internet, taking a small cut from any transaction that may occur as a result. However, despite the global reach, speed and the extent of information that can be gained from e-marketing there are a number of important disadvantages to this type of marketing that businesses mu st bear in mind. The technology driven approach of e-marketing leaves certain businesses vulnerable and overly-dependent upon technology. It also empowers dissatisfied consumers to a far greater extent than ever before and can lead to bad reviews that have the potential to greatly destabilise certain e-marketing campaigns and operations. However, despite these problems it is reasonable to conclude that e-marketing is on the whole a positive development for businesses and that despite certain dangers its impact upon businesses has been largely positive. Bibliography 1. Boone, L., 2011. Contemporary marketing. London: Cencage 2. Chaffey, D., 2009. Internet marketing. London: Pearson 3. Facebook, 2011. Facebook Adverts. Accessed 05/01/2012 4. Jones, S., 2008. Business-to-business. London: Maximum 5. Lebson, S., 2011. Intellectual property operations and implementation in the 21st Century. Oxford: Blackwell 6. Patricelli, F., 2002. E-business and e-challenges. London: IOS 7. Pride, W., 2010. Marketing Express. London: Cencage 8. Rana, N., 2009. E-marketing intelligence. London: E-Marketing Intelligence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Water and National Best Farmer Free Essays
Part A Essay Writing Answer one question only from this part. 1. Write a letter to the Member of Parliament of your constituency telling him/her about the rise in armed robbery in your area. We will write a custom essay sample on Water and National Best Farmer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Suggest at least two ways to check it. 2. Write a story which ends with the sentence: We arrived just in time to save the situation. 3. Your father has received the â€Å"National Best Farmer’s Award†. Write a letter to your brother who is outside the country, describing the ceremony. Part B Comprehension 4. Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions. Cholera is a very dangerous disease which can kill many people within a short time. Indeed, it has ruined several communities particularly in developing countries. It must therefore be prevented at all costs. The disease is generally spread by germs which thrive in filthy and unhygienic areas. There could be an outbreak of cholera when drinking water becomes polluted by floods after a downpour. Human carriers also cause the disease to spread from place to place. For example, a person carrying the cholera germs would vomit or pass frequent stools. Flies would then carry the germs on their hairy legs and deposit then on exposed food or in water. When a person eats this contaminated food or drinks the polluted water, he or she is likely to contact the disease unknowingly. On the whole, the main symptoms of cholera are severe diarrhoea and vomiting, which may result in loss of weight. The stool tends to be watery. As a lot of fluid is lost from the body, the patient quickly becomes dehydrated, thin and weak. The rapid loss of body fluid can soon result in death, unless the loss is fluid is replaced immediately. The first thing for the patient to do is to replenish as much fluid as is lost by taking, from time to time, boiled water which has been allowed to cool and mixed with salt and sugar. Then, he should seek medical attention. a) Where do cholera germs usually breed? ) Mention the two main carriers of cholera germs. c) (i) State the two signs of cholera (ii)Give one effect of the disease d) What advice does the writer give to the cholera patient? e) Explain the following expressions in your own words: (i) It has ruined several communities; (ii) At all costs; (iii) After a downpour f) For each of the following words, give another word or phrase that means the same or can fit into the passage. (i) Thrive; (ii) Deposit; (iii) Rapid; (iv) Replenish; (v) Seek; How to cite Water and National Best Farmer, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Bitter and the Sweet free essay sample
The candy’s smooth wrapper crinkles as I trace its edges with my fingertips, imagining its contents. The wrapper tears like a fine fabric, revealing a corner of dark chocolate. I break off a piece and take pleasure in its creamy essence. I have always had a sweet tooth, but it is not just sugary snacks that I crave. Being raised by a single parent has been a bittersweet experience, but one that has given me resilience and ambition. When I was young, my mother would tell me that the racks of candy in the store’s checkout line belonged to the cashier. She said this not to confuse me, avoid spoiling me, or even to teach me a lesson about earning rewards, though she inevitably did. She said it because she didn’t want me to worry because she could not afford a 50-cent chocolate bar. Nevertheless, I saw through her tactic and made a promise to myself that I would grow up to be prosperous enough to buy my family all the Hersheys on the stand. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bitter and the Sweet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead of focusing on our economic instability, my mother selflessly pushed me to strive for success so that I could lead a more comfortable life than hers. She worked long hours every night and struggled to pay the minimum due on her bills. Still, she would find time to read and snuggle with my sister, Emily, and me. Mom taught me the value of perseverance, education, and moral fiber. Although I did not have two parents, I was loved and nurtured just as much. Not all of life’s milestones were easy; some left an insurmountably bitter taste in my mouth. Domestic abuse, divorce, and homelessness, for example. I dealt with these when my mother married a man in Maryland and moved us several states away from our roots in Georgia. The first few months were great: baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners together, and movies. It felt like we were the perfect All-American family. Then things changed. Baseball games were too expensive, and trips to the mall were replaced with days Emily and I spent isolated in our rooms on his orders. Screaming matches between my stepfather and my mother interrupted dinners, and he swapped movie tickets for vodka. We spent five years living in a family setting that had turned into a war zone. I remember the verbal spats became so routine that I would no longer rush to my little sister’s room to cradle her in my arms and wipe away the tears spilling down her cheeks. Emily and I grew so used to this lifestyle that we just turned on the televisions in our rooms to drown out the screams. We became immersed in the world of sugar-coated sitcoms, pretending the spiteful cursing matches downstairs were normal. Then one evening, an argument erupted. My sister and I had begun to predict the start of these altercations. We called our system ETF, Estimated Time of Fight, named for its accuracy. Emily joked about patenting it some day. But on this night my mother swung open my bedroom door and told me to pack – we were leaving and not coming back. I could hear Emily sobbing in her room. We loaded our things into Mom’s Ford, my step father barking hatefully all the while. We drove for a long time before Mom pulled into the parking lot of a large store. I gazed out the window, watching people carry bags to their cars and head off to their warm homes. They were oblivious to our bittersweet tears. They had no idea how relieved and traumatized we felt, all at the same time. I was 14, my sister 11, school was still in session, and we were homeless. â€Å"We’re not the first people to go through this, and we won’t be the last,†Mom assured us. A friend of my mother’s let us stay with her. Each day, Mom would wake us before dawn so we could commute from Virginia to Maryland for our last three months of school. I remember looking out at the gleaming Washington Monument from the Potomac bridge, wondering how many others in the nation had suffered in silence. How many had packed up and moved on? We eventually relocated to Texas, where Mom is still working to re-stabilize her life. And now, as I compose this essay with some dark chocolate – my favorite candy – close at hand, I realize my family and I are at the best point in our lives. I have triumphed here, both academically and personally. I  satiate my hunger for knowledge by remaining dedicated to my intellectual pursuits – for example, the Distinguished Graduation Plan with its rigorous course of study and community service, and the learning opportunities it offers. I savor the fact that I am not a bitter product of my environment; I am not a person who lets trying times interrupt her focus, for I know that they are learning experiences also. Success, like candy, can be the sweetest treat of all. Visitors to chose this story by voting for their favorite. Go online to cast your vote!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Women During the Franco Era
Introduction Spain emerged from the Civil War with many economic difficulties and problems. The Civil unrest wiped out foreign exchanges and gold reserves thus affecting the economy. The agricultural and industrial sectors had also become ineffective towards economic growth and sustainability.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Women During the Franco Era specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The war also led to global shortages of raw materials, industrial products, and foodstuffs. The Franco regime after 1939 wanted to apply a dictatorial approach to bring new economic policies to promote self-sufficiency and economic empowerment. In the 1940s, the economic growth of the country retarded but took time to recover. By the 1950s, the GDP was at 40 per cent and soon the economy began to grow due to increased black markets, tripling prices, and increased foreign trade. Women also played a huge role to transform the eco nomic system of Spain. Women during the Franco Era After the Second World War ended, Franco controlled Spain through continued implementation of economic policies and austere approaches to monitor the economic growth. Although the country lacked democracy, Spain achieved a lot in its economic structure. The regime professed that women should continue acting according to the contemporary roles of gender in the society (Twomey, 2000, p. 32). Through the social order and organization, the regime considered women services relevant to improve the conditions in the society. The end of the Civil War in the country resulted in the voluntary society service. During the era, history shows that women played the role of military vanguards. The women in the society were compelled to complete a set of social duties in the society thereby promoting the growth and success of the society. For example, women were helping in shops, working as teachers, and administering medical responsibilities in the country. This was a compulsory service taking the women six months to complete. The service was mandatory if a person wanted to get a driver’s license, a passport, or even a university degree (Twomey, 2000, p. 48). After finishing the service, it was a major requirement that women received training from physicians and priests. The regime considered this social service in the country relevant to prepare women to a greater course in the country’s economy.Advertising Looking for assessment on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the regime, the social service was an important vehicle to promote the ideology without necessarily applying any oppressive means. At the same time, women learned how to complete household chores and take care of their own children. This was the best idea to improve the contribution of women to the Hispanic society. Another important observation during the Franco era was th at women were more empowered because of the social service. During the time, women were actively involved in sports and other forms of physical education. However, majority of the men in the society were against the idea (Sanchez, 2009, p. 12). During the period, majority of the women changed to become modern. The society fought for their training thereby giving them a better chance of becoming nurses and becoming income earners in the society. During the same era, there were increased rights of the women therefore giving them liberty to own a family (Sanchez, 2009, p. 16). They also had the liberty to get married and had children. Some women were homemakers during the Franco era. History also shows that some women were tortured during the era especially those who seemed to support the new regime. Their children were stolen and trafficked thereby oppressing them. This was to oppress them and make sure they supported the rebels. This situation continued to affect the welfare of women in the society thus making their lives unbearable in the society (Ellwood, 2007, p. 63). During the time, women who combined their religious understanding and justice to promote their ideologies and become powerful members of the society formed the Seccion Femenina. The group made it possible for state their positions in the society and the need for continued empowerment. The other thing is that, during the era, women had different views and opinions about Dictator Franco. For instance, some women believed that he was a great leader because it was because of the regime that they became educated, became empowered, and gained much attention from the government. However, some women considered the regime inadequate and oppressive because they did not achieve much in the society (Miller, 2008, p. 46). The most important thing to consider here is that women gained much attention during the period and were able to pursue their personal goals. They became educated and got a chance to pract ice their own careers. The period saw an increasing number of female practitioners, nurses, teachers, and civil servants.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Women During the Franco Era specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is notable that the authoritarian Franco regime imposed explicit policies and ideologies on the country’s citizens. Although the regime imposed these ideologies in an indirect manner, it became a unique source of foundation towards the establishment of the country future history. Despite the explicit ideologies such as the social service imposed by the government, it is agreeable that women in the society became powerful and were in a position to achieve their personal goals and fulfillment. Although majority of the women were empowered during the Franco era, it is still acknowledgeable that majority of the women were supposed to act under their husbands (Ellwood, 2007, p. 63). They wer e also supposed to stick to the gender roles, take care of their children, and support their husbands in every little thing. The idea is that the familial hierarchy was significant in the society during Franco’s era. With this kind of order, it was possible to achieve economic improvements based on the strong family foundation and increased participation in nation building activities (Miller, 2008, p. 49). Despite the familial order, the women were also encouraged to perform in the society and undertake economic activities to empower themselves and achieve their goals. The empowerment of the Spanish woman was one of the greatest achievements that led to the continued economic growth in the country. Conclusion Between 1939 and 1975, Spain was under Francisco Franco, a dictator who tried to apply a specific kind of ideology through a social approach. The regime put in place the social service program to improve the social status and conditions in the country. Although this was considered a dictatorial idea, it played a huge role in empowering women and ensuring their realized their personal goals and potential in the society. They became free and obtained different employment opportunities in the society. At the same time, the regime professed the traditional roles of females in the society. This made it possible to have powerful families and helped promote economic growth. Reference List Ellwood, S 2007. Spanish fascism in the Franco era, Oxford Press, Madrid.Advertising Looking for assessment on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Miller, K 2008. Women in Hispanic Literature: Icons and Fallen Idols, Wiley and Sons, New York. Sanchez, A 2009. Fear and Progress: Ordinary Lives in Franco’s Spain, 1939-1975, McGraw, New York. Twomey, L 2000. Women in contemporary culture: Roles and identities in France and Spain, Longman, Madrid. This assessment on Women During the Franco Era was written and submitted by user MotherAskani to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Squeegee kids essays
Squeegee kid's essays Should people be punished for trying to put food on the table? Well, I dont think so. I want to address a topic that has the rich in an up roar, the squeegee kids. Its true that the squeegee kids dont pay taxes, but its not like they get health benefits from cleaning windows. Unfortunately these kids are being punished for making an income; nevertheless, they dont pay taxes. And another thing, if the squeegee kids are going to be fined for panhandling, how are the courts going to find these kids to pay the fines. People also have to consider most of these kids are homeless for a reason of escape. Most important of all, its only a dollar or less, people dont have to pay it if they dont want to. The motorists just have a cleaner windshield. The squeegee kids shouldnt be fined for trying to make money. Its true that squeegee kids do not pay taxes, but they also dont get any health benefits for cleaning windows. Taxes seem to be the big thing, when this topic comes up, because its the only thing people could find wrong with squeeging. These kids are making about $40 a day, which is $280 a week. That is an average salary and its all tax-free. Squeegee kids may make ok money, but they dont have any health benefits. If squeegee kids need to get a tooth pulled or get sick, they have to pay their own medical bills themselves; if these kids do not, they simply grow sicker and or have to live with the pain. These kids are homeless, why does society punish them more? Its unfortunate that these kids are being punished for making an income. These kids are homeless, at the bottom, but they still have the strength to push themselves for something better. Society is pushing these kids down every time they try to move up in life. Is the business class and the politicians so angry with these kids, some with out a high school education, found a way to not p...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Decision of Uncertainty Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Decision of Uncertainty Paper - Essay Example In case of any manufacturing defects or the product failing within the period, the company will replace them with fresh ones. Meanwhile the customer service team has recently been receiving complaints from customers that some of the weights are not able to take the load and are developing cracks. This has caused more concern to the marketing department. The marketing team wants to ensure that the campaign will be profitable to the company. As a response to this concern, the quality department has proposed that the testing methodologies have to be made more advanced and the current practices are inadequate. The quality team has proposed a laser testing machine which can replace the current destructive testing. The laser machine can scan all the weights manufactured by the company and can notify defects in an effective manner. The laser testing method involves higher costs in terms of machinery, installation, maintenance and training. The quality has estimated a total investment of about $ 100,000 towards these expenses. The management however feels that the current testing methods are sufficient and the campaign will be profitable. However the decision is still uncertain. In order to reduce the uncertainties in making the decision, a research is designed and carried out. The last 200 batches that were sold by the company were chosen as the sample. Each batch contains 50 weights and hence a total of 1000 products are considered for this research. After collecting data from the customer service department, it has been found that 40 instances were reported where weights have developed cracks, i.e., a total of 40 weights out of 1,000 were reported broken. Hence the probability of a defective weight (impact testing) is 0.04. The quality team has informed that the laser machine will be very accurate and help identify the defective weights and will bring down
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Drugs addiction and musicians Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Drugs addiction and musicians - Research Paper Example Drug addiction among musicians of specific genres of music seems to be higher compared to some other genres of music. A recent study by the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health found out that illegal drug use in rap music has increased by six times since 1979. It is the fear of many parents and public health officials that the trajectory in rap music poses serious threat to the society particularly among the youth. Pop and rap music is very appealing to majority of young individuals, most of whom are looking up to rap, jazz and pop artists as their role models (Yang para3). This paper delves into drug addiction and musicians, particularly addressing the reasons as to why drug addiction is so omnipresent in musical circles. Drugs have often been associated with music scenes, and celebrated musicians such as Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, and Keith Richards, have been addicted to drugs at one time or another. The close relationship between drug addiction and musicians is well reflected in a short fiction by James Baldwin â€Å"Sonny’s Blue†. In this story, an African American schoolteacher disagrees with his younger brother â€Å"Sonny†about his ambition of becoming a musician. Soon after Sonny is arrested for heroin use and sent to rehab. After a short while, he watches Sonny performing at a Jazz club and he feels deeply connected and enlightened with Sonny’s blues (Baldwin 21). However, what is apparent from the story is that Sonny is suffering from drug addiction and he is a musician. He displays characteristics of a drug addict such as being introspective and quiet person with tendency of withdrawing inside himself. He is also wild and behaves in a manner that is not expected of him. Nonetheless, he has passion for jazz music and he goes ahead to become a successful musician (Baldwin 42). Sonny is in a community of many other musicians who are addicted to drugs. Considering the positive and negative effe cts of drug addiction on musicians, it is critical to examine the various aspects related to these two issues. There is no doubt that drug addiction is very common in musical circles. In fact, there are numerous evidences of famous musicians who have battled alcoholism and drug addiction for better part of their music career and some have even succumbed to drug addiction. Famous politicians such as Bob Marley, Britney Spears, Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, and Michael Jackson among others battled with drug addiction. So, why are drugs so omnipresent in musical circles? Many musicians use drugs largely because drugs including alcohol are extremely prevalent in the music industry (The Music of Orrin Hatch para3). Every music events, big and small, have people using harder drugs; music industry is considered a â€Å"party industry†and it is somewhat expected apart from entertainment, there should be upbeat emotions during performance. In many case s, drugs are used in the musical circles to enhance entertainment, as well as in enhancing emotions. It is for this reason that drug use has become part of music culture where famous music stars and even fans have made it a mainstay. It now appears awkward to many musicians mainly in pop, rap, and jazz music industry not to use drugs
Monday, January 27, 2020
Endocrine System Communication
Endocrine System Communication Explain the importance of intercellular communication and describe the mechanism involved. Intercellular communication is important because it assist the nervous system to elongate the long-term process of growth, development, or reproduction. The endocrine system uses chemical messengers to relay information and instructions between cells. One of the mechanisms involved in intercellular communication is know as direct communication this communication is rare but is important when it occurs. This is when two cells of the same type and the cells must be in extensive physical contact. The cells are so close they function as one. The majority of the communication is known as paracrine communication which is where the cell continuously exchanges chemical messages between each other so they are in sink with one another. Compare and contrast the modes of intercellular communication used by the endocrine and nervous systems and discuss the functional significance of the differences between the two systems. The nervous system performs short term â€Å"crisis management†and the endocrine system regulates long-term, ongoing metabolic processes. The endocrine system uses endocrine communication which helps regulate hormones through the circulatory system and the nervous system dose not have the capability to do this. Another significant difference is synaptic communication, the nervous system uses this form of communication of neurons to release neurotransmitter at a synapse very close to a target cell that bears the right receptors. This form of communication allows the body to react quickly to situations to escape from harm. Explain the general mechanisms of hormonal action and identify which hormone types work through each mechanisms. A hormone receptor is a protein molecule to which a particular molecule binds strongly. Each cell has receptors for responding to several different hormones, but cells in different tissues have different combinations of receptors. For every cell, the presence or absence of a specific receptor determines the cells hormonal sensitivities. Hormone receptors are located either on the cell membrane or inside the cell. The mechanisms of hormonal action are that receptors for catecholamines, peptide hormones and eicosanoids are in the cell membrane of target cells. Thyroid and steroid hormones cross the cell membrane and bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus, activating or inactivating specific genes. Describe the control of endocrine organs. The endocrine organs are controlled by three mechanisms of the hypothalamic control. One is the secretion of regulatory hormones to control activity of anterior lobe of pituitary gland. Two the production of ADH and oxytocin. And finally is the control of sympathetic output to adrenal medullae. Explain the structural and functional relationship between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland releases nine important peptide hormones that all bind to the membrane receptors and use cyclic-AMP as a second messenger. The pituitary gland hangs inferior to the hypothalamus which all the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to help in the function of the hypophyseal portal system. By the hypothalamus secreting specific regulatory hormones it controls the production of hormones in the anterior lobe. This whole system works to secret hormones from the hypothalamus through the pituitary gland in a network of capillaries that are connected. All this ensures that all the hypothalamic hormones entering the portal vessels will reach the target cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland before entering general circulation. Predict how alternations in hormone production, delivery, or reception by target tissues would affect its action and blood concentration levels. Describe the factors that could determine a cells hormonal sensitivity. Cells sensitivity is determined by two factors down-regulation and up-regulation. Down regulation is a process in which the presence of a hormone triggers a decrease in the number of hormone receptors. This process is when levels of particular hormones are high, cells become less sensitive to it. Up-regulation is a process in which the absence of a hormone triggers an increase in the number of hormone receptors. In this process the levels of a particular hormone are low, cells become more sensitive to it. Identify the hormones produced by the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland and specify the functions of those hormones. The anterior lobe produces seven hormones: Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) targets the thyroid gland and triggers the release of thyroid hormones. As circulation concentrations of thyroid hormones rise, the rate of TRH and TSH production decline. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the release of steroid hormones by the adrenal cortex and targets cells that produce glucocorticoids. Gonadotropins regulate the activities of the gonads. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes follicle development in females and, in combination with luteinizing hormone, stimulates the secretion if estrogen by ovarian cells. In males, FSH stimulates sustentacular cells, specialized cells in the tubules where sperm differentiate. Luteinizing hormone (LH) induces ovulation, the production of reproductive cell in females. Also promotes the secretion, by the ovaries, of estrogen and the progestin, which prepare the body for pregnancy. In male hormone is sometimes called interstitial cell- stimulating hormone (ICSH), because it stimulates the production of sex hormones by the interstitial cells of the testes. Prolactin (PRL) works with other hormones to stimulate mammary gland development. Growth hormone (GH) stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating the rate of protein synthesis. The posterior lobe produces two hormones: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released in response to a variety of stimuli, most notably a rise in the solute concentration in the blood or a fall in blood volume or blood pressure. A rise in the solute concentration stimulates specialized hypothalamic neurons. Oxytocin (OT) stimulates smooth muscles contraction in the wall of the uterus, promoting labor and delivery. After delivery this hormones stimulates the contraction of myoepithelial cells around the secretory alveoli and the ducts of the mammary gland, promoting the ejection of milk. Discussion the results of abnormal levels of pituitary hormones Abnormal levels of pituitary hormones can have a cast and complex impact on the growth, fertility, and function on the human body via the effect of the hormones on their target organs. Diseases anywhere from asthma to growth problems can occur. Identify the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, specify the functions of those hormones, and discuss the causes and results of abnormal levels of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces thyroglobulin, tyrosine, and thyroxine. The functions of these hormones are: Thyroid hormones enter target cells by means of an energy dependent transport system and they affect almost every cell in the body. Thyroid hormones bound to cytoplasmic receptors are held in storage until intracellular levels of thyroid hormone decline. Thyroid hormones bound to mitochondria increase ATP production. Thyroid hormones bound to receptors in the nucleus activates genes that control energy utilization. The calorigenic effect: the cell consumes more energy resulting in increased heat generation. In growing children, thyroid hormones are essential to normal development of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. The thyroid gland is primarily responsible for a strong, immediate, and short-lived increase in the rate of cellular metabolism. The major factor controlling the rate of thyroid hormone release is the concentration of TSH in the circulating blood. The causes of abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can create an iodide deficiency because in the U.S. we consume more than they daily amount needed. Thyroid hormone production declines, regardless of the circulating levels of TSH. Describe the functions of the parathyroid hormones, and the effects of abnormal functions of each hormone. Parathyroid hormone has four major effects: 1. It stimulates osteoclasts, accelerating mineral turnover and the release of Ca2+ from bone. 2. It inhibits osteoblasts, reducing the rate of calcium deposition in bone. 3. It enhances the reabsorption of Ca2+ at the kidneys, reducing urinary losses. 4. It stimulates the formation and secretion of calcitriol at the kidneys. The effects of calcitriol complement or enhance those of PTH, but one major effect of calcitriol is the enhancement of Ca2+ and PO43- absorption by the digestive tract. The parathyroid glands, aided by calcitriol, are the primary regulators of blood calcium I levels in healthy adults. When the parathyroid calcium levels become abnormal there are two disorders that can occur. Hypoparathyroidism the gland secretes low calcium concentrations in body fluid. Hyperparathyroidism is when calcium concentrations become abnormally high. Identify the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex and medulla and specify the functions of each hormone The adrenal cortex secrets the hormones adrenocortical, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and androgens. The adrenocortical steroids or corticosteroids are vital: if the adrenal glands are destroyed or removed, the individual will die unless corticosteroids are administered. Mineralocorticoids increase renal reabsorption of Na+ and water which accelerates urinary loss of potassium. Glucocorticoids release amino acids from skeletal muscles and lipids from adipose tissue; promote liver formation of glucose and glycogen; promotes peripheral utilization of lipids; anti-inflammatory effects. Androgens are not important in men; encourages bone growth, muscle growth, and blood formation in children and women. The adrenal medulla secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones increase cardiac activity, blood pressure, glycogen breakdown, blood glucose levels; releases lipids by adipose tissue. Also this is where the fight or flight syndrome is sparked. Discuss the results of abnormal levels of adrenal hormone production When the adrenal hormone becomes abnormal it produces several different disorders. The first is hypoaldosteronism; the zona glomerulosa fails to produce enough aldosterone, generally either as an early sign of adrenal insufficiency or because the kidneys are not releasing adequate amounts of rein. A rare but serious disorder can occur called Addisons disease which results from inadequate stimulations of the zona fasciculata by the pituitary hormone ACTH or, more commonly, from the inability of the adrenal cells to synthesize the necessary hormones, generally from adrenal cell loss caused by autoimmune problems. Another disease is Cushings disease which results from overproduction of glucocorticoids. There is another aspect of abnormal production of adrenal hormones that affects men and womens sexual characteristics called adrenogenital syndrome. In women, this condition leads to the gradual development of male secondary sex characteristics, including body and facial hair patters. In male to causes an increase of estrogen resulting in larger breast tissue or other female secondary sex characteristics. Last but not least there is a disorder of the adrenal medulla called pheochromocytoma which is an overproduction of epinephrine that causes a tumor that produces catecholamines in massive quantities. Describe the functions of the hormones produced by the pineal gland. It contains pinealocytes, which synthesize the hormone melatonin. The suggested functions of the pineal gland is that it inhibits reproductive functions, protects against damage by free radicals, and sets circadian rhythms. Identify the hormones produced by the pancreas and specify the functions of those hormones. The pancreas contains both exocrine and endocrine cells. Cells of the endocrine pancreas form clusters called pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans). The pancreatic islets release insulin and glucagons. Insulin is released when blood glucose levels rise, and it stimulates glucose transport into and utilization by, peripheral tissues. Glucagon is released when blood glucose levels decline, and it stimulates glycogen breakdown, glucose synthesis and fatty acid release. Discuss the results of abnormal levels of pancreatic hormone production. When the pancreatic hormones produce abnormal levels of insulin and glucose it causes an individual to be diabetic. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by glucose concentration that is high enough to overwhelm the reabsorption capabilities of the kidneys. Glucose appears in the urine, and urine production generally becomes excessive. Describe the functions of the hormones produced by the kidneys, heart, thymus, testes, ovaries, and adipose tissue. Control of the heart, kidneys, thymus, gonads, and adipose tissue. The kidneys release erythropoietin and calcitriol into the red bone marrow, intestinal lining, bone and kidneys. All of the hormones releases are to stimulate red blood cell production and calcium and phosphate absorption and it also stimulates calcium ions from bone; inhibits PTH secretion. The heart controls the hormones natriuretic that targets the kidneys, hypothalamus and adrenal gland. These hormones increase water and salt loss at kidneys; decrease thirst; and suppress secretion of ADH and aldosterone. The adipose tissue contain two hormones that support to different functions, first is leptin which targets the hypothalamus for suppression of appetite; permissive effects on GnRH and gonadotropin synthesis. Second is resistin that targets cell throughout the body that suppresses insulin response. Last but not least are the gonads with the hormones androgens, inhibin, estrogen and progestin. All these hormones are targeted by the pituitary glands to support the reproductive organs in males and females. In males the interstitial cells of the testes produce androgens. Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in males. Sustentacular cells in the testes support the differentiation and physical maturation of sperm. Under FSH stimulation, these cells secrete the hormone inhibin, which inhibits the secretion of FSH at the anterior lobe. The female body develops oocytes in the follicles; follicle cells produce estrogens, especially estradiol. After ovulation, the remaining follicle cells reorganize into a corpus luteum. Those cells release a mixture of estrogens and progestins, especially progesterone. Explain how hormones interact to produce coordinated physiological responses. Hormones interact to produce coordinated physiological responses in four ways: 1. antagonistic (opposing) effects 2. synergistic (additive) effects 3. permissive effects, in which one hormone is necessary for another to produce its effect 4. integrative effects, in which hormones produce different, but complementary, results Identify the hormones that are especially important to normal growth, and discuss their roles. There are several hormones that are important for normal growth: GH, insulin, PTH, calcitriol, reproductive and thyroid hormones. The circulation concentrations of these hormones are regulated independently. Changes produce unique individual growth patterns. Growth Hormone (GH): effects are most apparent in children where GH supports muscular and skeletal development. In adults GH assists in the maintenance of normal blood glucose concentrations and in the mobilization of lipid reserves. Thyroid hormones: if these hormones are absent during fetal development or for the first year after birth, the nervous system will fail to develop normally and mental retardation will result. If T4 concentrations decline before puberty, normal skeletal development will not continue. Insulin: without insulin the passage of glucose and amino acids across cell membranes will be drastically reduced or eliminated. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) and Calcitriol: promote the absorption of calcium salts for subsequent deposition in bone. Without adequate levels of both hormones, bones will be weak and flexible. Reproductive Hormones: the sex hormones (androgens in males, estrogens in females) stimulate cell growth and differentiation in their target tissues. Differential growth induced by each hormone accounts for gender-related differences in skeletal proportions and secondary sex characteristics. Define the general adaptation syndrome. Any condition that threatens homeostasis is a stress. Our bodies respond to a variety of stress-causing factors through the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), or stress response. The GAS can be divided into three phases: the alarm phase the resistance phase the exhaustion phase Reference page: S.Schaffer. Chapter 18. The endocrine system. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from Martini. Chapter 18. The endocrine system. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Computer Game Violence
Computer Games and violence is a topic that is very controversial in America. Like all other topics everything has its pros and cons. One of the most common criticisms of computer games is that they increase violent tendencies among the youth players. Parents are very concerned with their children playing violent computer games because they feel it influences their actions. Playing violent computer games can increase a person's aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior according to studies. For example, on April 20, 1999, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher in the Columbine High School Massacre. The two were allegedly obsessed) with the video game Doom). Violent computer games are said to be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive and require the player to identify with the aggressor (Cochran). There has been several studies by groups such as The Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health, and The British Medical Journal have shown no link between Computer Game usage and violent activities. One study did find an increase in reports of bullying. Research found that certain patterns of Computer Game play were much more likely to be associated with bullying than with major violent crimes such as school shootings (Griffiths). Computer Game environments are often based on plots of violence, aggression, and gender bias. A very good example of a computer game that contains all three of these things is the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The game came under criticism of implying allegedly racist hate crimes. The game takes place in â€Å"Vice City†a fictional Miami in 1986, which involves a gang war between the Haitians and Cubans (Bensely). Many computer games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing, and shootings that kids become so addicted to. Games like this can sometimes confuse reality and fantasy and may influence someone in doing something because they seen it done in a computer game. They have been seen as negatively affecting the players in terms of lack of social skills, inefficiency, obesity and laziness. After all, all violent computer games have a few things in common. They all involve a constant hurting and killing of others. There is no punishment for the killings in the game so kids don’t see why it would be wrong doing it in reality. Instead of being punished players are actually rewarded with different achievements in the game (Olson 56-59). Although there are many disadvantages, playing computer games have advantages too. Even though computer games have always been infamous for their anti-social aspect and the violence that is shown in them, for example, it may enhance a child's motor coordination. It also allows the ability for kids to think quickly and analyze certain situations. These games are actually used in military training to help soldiers become used to the process of harming others (Griffiths). Computer games also introduce children to computer technology. It can give them practice in following directions as well as problem solving and logic. We always look for the negative views first in everything we do and miss on the positive effects of computer games. The negativities brought in by computer games are due to no restrictions in which the player plays. Computer games are popular among children and the youngsters of America. If parents don’t limit the time for which a child is allowed to play a computer game or no supervision is ever present, the way in which the game is being played will have the not-so-positive effects of computer games show up. Children with an inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence are seen to be gaining help from playing computer games. Computer games have also been included in the therapy for children with such psychological problems. By playing computer games, a child gets a sense of participation and a sense of achievement. In the long run it will eventually build his or her self-confidence. Children, after playing computer games, begin to feel excited about their lives and start feeling positive and enthusiastic. This enables them to defeat their psychological disorders to a certain extent (Olson). In conclusion I feel as if the positive effects outweigh the negative effects overall. Computer games are meant for a form of entertainment and if not controlled by a parent or guardian that’s on them. They should have the parental skills of knowing what their children are able to do and see depending on their age.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Family Health Assesment Essay
The Family discussed in this paper has two children and both parents have been married for seventeen years. The paternal and maternal grandmothers are alive, while both paternal and maternal grandfathers have died of heart disease. The maternal grandmother lives with the family. The family assessed was interviewed two times and both times, the interview took place in family’s home and lasted for thirty minutes. The author of this paper has used Calgary Family Assessment model in assessing the family, which is an integrated, multidimensional framework based on the foundation of systems, cybernetics, communication and change theory and influenced by post-modernization and biology of cognition (Wright & Leahey, ). For complete assessment to take place as described by this model, a sense of importance and open communication was established between nurse and family. The family was encouraged to attend interview together . Names of family members have been changed to protect their privacy & confidentiality. Structural Assessment It is meant to identify the composition which consists of internal and external structure of family and its connectivity. Internal Family Composition Immediate family consist of father [Tim] and mother [Maria] who are a married couple and together they have two sons; older son (Jim) aged 14,younger son [Jacob] aged 10, grandmother [Gia] and pet dog [Sheenu] aged 2 years. Gender Both genders seem equal in this family. Differences in genders were not evident. Tim and Maria both consider themselves as breadwinners of family. Tim goes on business trip for weeks and Maria work long hours to make family financially secure. This was evident when Maria stated, â€Å"I want to make sure that we have everything for decent living and best education for Jim and Jacob†(Maria, October 16, 2010). Gia stays at home and does all the cooking and look after Jacob and Sheenu. Love, respect and appreciation for one another’s contribution to the family unit were evident in this family. Sexual Orientation The sexual orientation among the couple is heterosexual. Both Jim and Jacob stated their interests for girls, and are heterosexual. Any other sexual orientation will not be accepted by the family due to family’s culture. Rank Order Gia is sixty five years old. Tim is forty seven years old and Maria is forty five years old. Jim is fourteen years and Jacob is ten years old. There is a gap of 4 years between Jim and Jacob’s birth. The family takes pride in mentioning that everybody was born in October. Jim and Jacob, both are tall and handsome. Physically they have similar features but Jacob is healthier than Jim. During family interview Jim opened up easily and talked while Jacob was quite and answered only when specifically asked. Jacob was having more non verbal communication than anybody else in the family. Based on observation of interviewee there was sense of equality between Tim and Maria but Jim seems to have some kind of control over Jacob. Before saying anything Jacob would look towards Jim. The couple state that Tim finish outdoor family tasks while Maria deals with family issues. Tim referred Maria as â€Å"Finance Minister of family†(Tim, personal communication October 16, 2010) Subsystems Dyad subsystems were evident in the family. Gia is playing role of mother, grandmother and holding the whole family together. Tim and Maria seem very close but Jim and Jacob were not so close. Jacob was trying to avoid Jim all the time. He was comfortable sitting closer to Gia and changed to another sofa when Jim sat beside him. There was strong bond between mother and sons as well as grandmother and grandchildren. The bond between sons and father was not so strong. Father’s tone of talking to sons’ was authoritative. The mother was patting her sons’ back and was quite cheerful while talking about her sons; father would only smile and admitted that his wife knows more about kids because he spend more time away from home. The whole family agreed that if there is any problem or issue within the family, everybody would sit and discuss to sort out the problem. The family could be described as close knit. Boundaries The family has set some clear boundaries. Jim is not allowed to hang out with friends without his parents’ permission. The elders in the family and outside family are to be treated with respect and love. Both Jim and Jacob have been taught to knock at door before entering and seek permission to use or borrow anything whichever does not belong to them; to give a kind of respect to each other. Both the boys have to complete their education. Jim and Jacob have been given choice to study whatever they want and their education will be paid by parents. Maria stated â€Å"all the basic necessities like food, clothing housing will be met by us as long as the boys are studying; if they keep changing their mind every year about their future studies; then this is wastage of time and money. As long as they have definite plans for a career we are ok with that; if the boys don’t want to study they have to move out and find their own living†(Maria, personal communication, October 16, 2010). External Extended Family Maternal grandmother lives with the family. Maria has three sisters. All are married and live in Michigan. Tim’s mother, brother and sisters live in New York. All of them stay in touch with each other via phone. Tim has a cab and trailer business in New York and visits his family twice a month and stays with them for couple of weeks. Maria’s family lives in the same city and visits each other quite often. Maria’s sisters’ come to help her when needed, if Tim is away on business trip. The sisters’ children and Maria’s boys sleepover at each others’ places and get along well. Gia admitted that the sisters stand by each other in thick and thin. Be it a family sickness or children’s school problem or any other appointment they are always there to help each other. Larger Subsystems Family visits their temple once in a week to say their prayers and socializes in their community. Other than this the family does not have any connections with any other religious organization or community agency. Context Ethnicity/Race /Religion/Spirituality This family is South Asian, originally from India, and immigrated to United States in 1992. Both Tim and Maria are Hindus; they have respect for all religions. They have not forced their religion on children and are free to follow any religion. Environment This family lives in safe, high middle class neighborhood in a two story four bedroom house with finished basement and a big front and back yard. They live closer to shopping malls, grocery stores, schools and library. Home is ten miles away from Maria’s place of work but she don’t mind driving as home is in safe and secured area. Developmental This family is upper-middle class family and according to Calgary health assessment model the family is in stage four of family life cycle. In this stage families often increase flexibility of boundaries to include children’s independence (Wright and Leahy, p. 91). While observing family interactions, there was typical parent-child relationship. The parents would keep quite when teenager wanted to talk. Functional Assessment Instrumental Activities of daily living Tim works less; since he has business in New York; almost two weeks in a month he spend over there. Whenever he is in Michigan he just stays home. Maria works full time. During her day off she takes care of house and children. Jim and Jacob go to school and they are underage to work outside. Jim does not help family with household chores like cutting grass and removing snow. Expressive Emotional and Verbal communication Family was respectful to each other’s opinion and gave everyone chance to speak a. Nonverbal communication was also present. They were nodding in approval or disapproval. There was time when Jim was interrupting parents to enforce his statement rather than listening. Roles/Influences and Power When asked about roles and power sharing between family members, all of them smiled at each other. Maria stated boys do help but its Jacob who helps more in doing chores than Jim. Jim usually put garbage outside for pick up. Jacob help his mom by vacuuming the house and putting dishes in the dishwasher and taking Sheenu out for walk. Maria does all the grocery shopping and Gia cooks food for the family. Maria has role of wife, mother and daughter which she is carrying with responsibility. Tim has role of father and husband. Gia has role of mother and grandmother. Jim and Jacob have roles of sons, grandsons and brothers. Family Strengths and Challenges The family’s strength lies in adherence to their cultural norms, beliefs and values and desire to form strong relationships with other cultures. The family uses the resources available for their health care needs; visits physicians for annual physicals and dental exams. The family wants to pass the positive things about their culture to next generation like respect, trust and loyalty. Being educated and believing in healthier relationship is also strength of family. The challenge for this family is the behavioral problems of teenager son within the family and outside the family; which is a source of stress for family. During the second interview Tim was not present due to business trip and children were away to school. Gia admitted that Jim is having some behavioral problems, to which Maria also agreed. Maria stated â€Å"Since he is a teenager it is really hard to keep him under control like other kids but he do have some problems†(Maria, personal communication, October 20, 2010). The problem started with Jim arguing with teachers at school. He would laugh in class for no reason; making other students to laugh and disturbing class. He used to argue a lot with teachers always stressing that he is right which was disrespectful. At home he gives hard time to Jacob and Sheenu. Gia stated that he comes home earlier than Jacob and as soon as Jacob comes home; Jim would not let Jacob in or would tell him that he is a loser or saying that nobody loves him. When Jim says something like that, Jacob would start crying. Gia stated that she does not like to intervene as Jim is in habit of pushing others and she is scared that if he pushes her; she will fall and can get a fracture. Jim also yells at Sheenu. When Jim is home Sheenu would like to stay with an adult to have a sense of protection. Jim’s behavior at school and home had brought a lot of stress for the family. Maria admitted that she was made to sit in his class to watch Jim’s behavior while he was not aware of Maria’s presence and was acting as a clown in the class. Asked about Tim’s reaction to his son’s behavior, Maria stated that Tim consider it normal for growth and development. Maria seems to be quite concerned about his son’s behavior. Maria agreed that his behavior problems started in middle school. He would come home and tell stories about boys selling â€Å"candies†in the school and he had put up those candies in his locker. The candy story made Maria worry about his son’s company and getting drugs. Without further questioning Jim; next day Maria had a meeting with school principal and Jim’s locker was searched in presence of Jim, Maria, principal and two other teachers. Nothing was found and Jim could not give any description of the person selling â€Å"candies†and what they look like. He admitted that he was just playing a joke on his mom. After this he stopped telling lies and shifted his focus on being a clown in the class. When he comes home after school; he usually takes a nap and then stays up whole night to watch television or play games. The next day he would sleep in the class. Jim does have some behavioral problems but he is a homely guy. After coming home from school, he likes to stay home and spend some time with Maria telling about school activities. Jim’s behaves well in Maria’s presence. The family’s main concern is to change Jim’s behavior. Summary of Assessment The family operates within close knit system; having internal and external harmony among friends and extended family. In terms of completing the family cycle, the mother is putting extra efforts for adjusting to the fact that she is mother of a teenager while the father has laid back attitude towards his son’s behavior. The father needs to take responsibility to find reasons for his son’s behavioral problems. Given the fact that the teenager spend most of his time in school and at home, interventions should be directed at peer influences. According to Erickson’s stages of development the teenager is going through establishment of identity versus role confusion (Kozier et al. , p. 325). The need for independency and family support creates conflict between teenager and family. The family’s ability to cope with stress affects the health of individual family members, and the health of this individual family member influences the family’s ability to cope (Kaakinen et al. , p. 65). Guidance need to be presented in a way that the teen feel loved. The above summary will be basis of health promotion for this family. Health Promotion Plan The goals of health promotion plan will be to incorporate all individuals of the family within interventions. The health concern of the family should not be for individual member but for family as unit. The health plan will be aimed at improving dimensions of family life, promoting health of this family. Family is considered a most important part in a child’s growth and development. Open communication, child-parent interaction can have a positive effect on child’s development. To stop an inappropriate child behavior, first we need to know the triggering event to that behavior. It’s important to just focus on offending behavior rather than criticizing the child. The teenager in this family has attention seeking behavior in school. He should be encouraged to participate in school games; to divert his mind and energy from unacceptable behaviors. More time need to be spent with him. Since both his parents are busy in their jobs and other responsibilities; they are spending less time with the children. The teenager is at risk of developing other health problems like smoking, drinking and dropping out of school. For prevention of those risk behaviors among teenagers; time devoted to shared activities is important for the child’s healthy development. Parent’s education, their motivation in favor of healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, guidance as well as encouragement to acceptable behaviors can reduce the manifestations of risk behavior among the adolescents. Monitoring what teenager is watching on television and internet will help in reducing problems. Both the parents are educated; they should make the teenager aware of their expectations from him. A sense of trust should be developed between teenager and parents to help his transition into adulthood and to become independent, responsible, communicative young adult. The child should be encouraged to be a role model for his younger brother and should be rewarded for taking responsibility. Making him aware of inappropriate behavior will help him in deciding right and wrong. Inappropriate behavior should be ignored and appropriate behavior, must be reinforced. Positive reinforcement used immediately after appropriate behavior like offering praise immediately after the behavior will help. Setting limits for watching television and access to internet and making rules for going to bed at specific time will help in dealing with problems at school. The parents have already recognized the need for seeking counseling for their son. The mother has taken the responsibility to go with him or he can talk in private to counselor about his problem. After going for 2-3 sessions the family has observed positive changes in teen’s behavior. Conclusion Of all the interventions discussed above, the most applicable in implementing health promotion plan for the family assessed in this paper will be the parent-child interaction. Interaction between them will help in preventing other health problems in adolescent like drinking, smoking. The parents should present their own behavior in a positive way, so that children can learn from them. It is time that family should pay close attention to teenager’s behavior problems to protect and prevent him from developing other health problems.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Reasons For The American Revolution - 1574 Words
There are many reason for the American Revolution; however, I broke them up into four major groups: economic causes, ideological causes, strategic causes and political causes. The Proclamation Line of 1763 prohibited American settlement west of Appalachians, protecting Indian fur trade with Britain but limiting American settlement and land speculation. The British government sought to curtail American smuggling and avoidance of British mercantile regulations and customs duties. It also sought to tax Americans to help pay cost of maintaining 10,000 British regular army troops in America and help with the war debt caused by the French and Indian War. Although not high compared with taxes in Britain itself, these were the first taxes†¦show more content†¦Included in this American ideology was also a strong suspicion of regular armies, an anti-standing army ideology that emphasized reliance upon a militia of citizen-soldiers as opposed to hired regulars. A hired army was seen expensive, loyal to the government that paid it, and as seen under military dictators, from Caesar to Cromwell, an instrument of tyranny. Anti-standing army ideology was powerful ly reinforced by the quartering of British regulars in people’s home during the French and Indian War and then in 1770 by the Boston â€Å"Massacre,†in which after being taunted and pelted with ice balls and stones, a squad of British soldiers, guarding the customs house opened fire, without their officer’s orders, killing 5 Americans, including a free black man named Crispus Attucks) and wounding several others. Sam Adams had silversmith Paul Revere engrave a poster blaming the British soldiers for perpetrating a â€Å"massacre†against innocent civilians. The poster was circulated throughout the colonies as propaganda to gain sympathy for the New Englanders’ position and bolster fears of British tyranny and the threat to American lives as well as their property. 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