Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Globalization America Must Outsource or Die Essay
A free society requires and rewards individuals who are active-minded, forward-looking, keen to better themselves. A society moving towards state control of the economy requires and rewards individuals who want tranquility, passivity, lethargy. In the debate about the legitimacy of outsourcing white-collar jobs to foreign countries, you must decide on which side you stand. The opponents of outsourcing white-collar jobs eagerly present it as an unprecedented, catastrophic phenomenon. The facts belie this. Economists estimate that roughly 100,000 white-collar jobs move offshore annually. This figure excludes new jobs created in the United States because of the increased economic efficiency and is in the context of a U.S. economy†¦show more content†¦Later, when men like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dell ushered in the personal computer revolution, almost no industry was unaffected. The businesses and employees that embraced the new invention, a retailer that computerized its inventory or a worker who learned to program a computer, prospered. Today, as businesses hire white-collar workers abroad, similar opportunities will abound for those ready to change and grow. As in earlier eras, the capital accumulation made possible by the increased efficiency and specialization at American companies will fuel demand for employees with new skills, such as managers able to integrate a companys activities across countries and cultures. It should not be surprising, for instance, that from 1991 to 2001, 2,500 U.S. multinational corporations added 2.8 million foreign jobs and 5.5 million new U.S. jobs (the latter above the average U.S. employee growth rate for the period), or that 25 percent of Americans now work at jobs not even listed in the 1967 Census Bureau codes. Those who prosper in a free society are individuals who choose, no matter how severe the change, to adapt, to expand their skills, to increase their knowledge, to grow. For this type of individual, trade and specialization--across ones city, state, country or globe--are acknowledged asShow MoreRelatedThe Success Of The Barbie Doll1873 Words  | 8 Pagesand Hasbro’s sales alone accounted for over 12% of global sales. By 2007, most toy production occurred in China. So much in fact, that nearly 85% of all toys sold in North America were imported from China. Mattel was the industry leader up until very recently and witnessed many successes in terms of its products and globalization. Much of Mattel s success comes from its strong branding. 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